Woman with cell phone operating smart thermostat.

Benefits of Smart Thermostats

If you’re looking to upgrade your home’s heating and cooling system, you may want to consider getting a smart thermostat. They have become increasingly widespread in newer homes or in home upgrades, due to their ability to save homeowners money on their energy bills while also keeping their homes more comfortable. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of smart thermostats in detail and explain the advantages and disadvantages of them.

What is a Smart Thermostat?

A smart thermostat is a thermostat that can be controlled remotely, such as using your smartphone or computer. In addition to being able to control it remotely, some models can learn your habits and preferences, such as via specialized AI. They can adjust the temperature of your home automatically to ensure maximum energy efficiency, in addition to comfort.

Unlike traditional thermostats that require manual adjustments, a smart thermostat can be programmed to turn on and off based on a schedule you program, or it learns. It also may be able to sense when you’re away from home and adjust the temperature to save energy.

Many smart thermostats also come with features such as voice control, geofencing, and automatically generated energy usage reports, which can help you save money on your energy bills while still keeping your home comfortable.

Benefits of Smart Thermostats

Like a lot of “smart” devices, smart thermostats may help save money and energy, and also provide a more convenient way of controlling the temperature in a house or apartment.

Energy Savings

One of the main benefits of a smart thermostat is that it can help you save money on your energy bills. Traditional thermostats require you to manually adjust the temperature, which can result in wasted energy and higher bills. Smart thermostats, on the other hand, can be programmed to automatically change the temperature settings at different times, and on different days.

For example, if you typically turn down the heat at night, a smart thermostat can learn this habit and automatically adjust the temperature for you. Alternatively, you may enter a specific time and temperature setting for nighttime. Similarly, if you’re away from home during the day, a smart thermostat can sense this such as by geofencing and adjust the temperature to save energy, or you can specify particular time and temperature settings for specific hours you are typically away.

Some smart thermostats also come with energy-saving features such as geofencing, which uses your smartphone’s location to detect when you’re away from home and adjust the temperature accordingly. This can be particularly useful if you have a variable schedule and don’t always leave the house at the same time every day.

Increased Comfort

Another benefit of a smart thermostat is that it can increase the comfort level in your home. Traditional thermostats often result in temperature fluctuations throughout the day, which can make your home feel too hot or too cold at times. Smart thermostats, on the other hand, can adjust the temperature automatically to ensure that your home is always at the right temperature. Or, some installations can specify different temperatures for different rooms.

Remote Control – Convenience

For many people the greatest benefit of a smart thermostat is the increased convenience of them. They typically can be controlled remotely from a smartphone or table. This means that you can adjust the temperature from anywhere, whether you’re at work, on vacation, or just in another room of your home.

This can be particularly useful if you forget to adjust the temperature before leaving the house, as you can easily do so using your smartphone. Or, if you are on the sofa watching a movie and get cold, you don’t have to get up and walk over to the thermostat to change the temperature; instead, just pick up your smartphone, fire up the app, and make the change.

Some smart thermostats also come with voice control features, which allow you to adjust the temperature using voice commands. This can be particularly useful if you have mobility issues or if you’re simply too busy to adjust the temperature manually.

Environmental Impact

By using less energy to heat and cool your home, smart thermostats can not only reduce your energy bills, but also can help the environment and increase energy independence.ย  With lower energy use, your personal carbon footprint may be reduced, and you also help reduce national reliance on unreliable imported sources of energy.

Improved Air Quality

Finally, some smart thermostats come with features that can help improve the air quality in your home. For example, some models can detect when the air filter needs to be replaced and send you a notification. Others can detect the humidity level in your home and adjust the temperature and fan speed to ensure that the air is always at the right humidity level.

Disadvantages of Smart Thermostats

While there are many advantages to using a smart thermostat, there are also a few potential disadvantages to consider, including:

Cost: Smart thermostats can be more expensive than traditional thermostats, which may not fit within everyone’s budget. However, the potential energy savings may offset the upfront cost over time.

Complexity: Smart thermostats can be more complex to install and set up than traditional thermostats, especially if your home’s wiring is not compatible with the new device. You may need to hire a professional HVAC technician to assist with installation, which also can result in increased cost. This is a video we found on one installation:

Compatibility: Not all HVAC systems are compatible with smart thermostats, which could limit your options when choosing a device. You may need to check your system’s compatibility before purchasing a smart thermostat.

Privacy Concerns: Some smart thermostats collect data on your energy usage and daily routines, which could raise privacy concerns. However, most manufacturers have privacy policies in place to protect your data.

Reliance on Wi-Fi: Smart thermostats require an internet connection to operate, which means they may not work properly during internet outages or if your Wi-Fi signal is weak or disrupted.

Overall, while there are some potential downsides to using a smart thermostat, for many people the advantages may outweigh the disadvantages.

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